Superbites with Probiotics, Yogurt & CranberryRich in Omega 3 and 6, Low in calories, Grain free, Supports digestive healthA complementary pet food for dogs. Feed up to 10 treats per day depending on dog size and activity level. Fresh drinking water should always be available. Suitable for all breeds and ages from 12 weeks.Yogurt 26%, Pea Flour, Sweet Potato Flour, Gram Flour, Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil 5%, Linseed 2%, Dried Cranberry 1%, Chicory Extract 1%, Parsley, Tyndallised Lactobacillus Helveticus HA-122 10mg/100g.Crude Protein 11.5%, Crude Oils & Fat 8%, Crude Ash 4.5%, Crude Fibre 3%, Omega 3 1%, Omega 6 1.4%Recyclable Pouch